First time to update my blog since my aneurysm. Funny how the name of your business, really hits home after something like this happens in your life. I considered giving up photography...Wanting to spend my weekends, and extra time with my family...But God got a hold of my heart, and made me realize that this business is His. Not mine. I am to use this to show His love. So, I am back at it. I said to Macey yesterday..."There are some days when I think Photography is my calling...and other days when I don't"....She asked me..."What is today?...." It's a Yes day...<3 Blessed.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Mini Sessions Today and Thank You
I am doing Mini Sessions All day today! So excited about this opportunity =) You all were great to respond as well...I filled all 9 of these sessions in a few days...All of the proceeds from this event are going to help the tornado victims in our local area. So this is my post to say Thank You! Thank you for giving of your time, and your money to help those in need! Looking forward to today! God Bless You! Wanting more than anything~To see Life Through "His Eyes" =)
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Fields and Flowers
Had a wonderful time photographing a new friend and her precious boys...Beautiful day, and the locations couldn't have been more perfect! I enjoyed every minute! Thanks Anslee....
Friday, April 8, 2011
Shots from the New Studio
These pics were shot at my new studio. I love the rustic look and I think they turned out GREAT!!! Had to share a few of them...I am scheduling sessions for Spring and Summer now...Be sure to email or message me to get on my calendar. Also, if you aren't already, Check out my Facebook Page~His Eyes Photography....
Sign's up
Our sign is up at the studio...Yay! So proud of my hubby for the work he put into making this for me...We are going to be offering some Unique picture frames in the near future, and He is going to be making them. I wanted my sign to look like one BIG frame...and he did exactly what I imagined...Thanks James!
I don't really have much "furniture" to put in the studio yet, but I do have my desk, and a few cabinets to store some things...If anyone has a couch that they need to get rid of...I am in need of one :) So, just let me know! My backdrops are going to be headed over there this hopefully I can start doing some viewings there soon...Maybe even a few sessions...Also, planning an Open House S-O-O-N!!! I want my friends and family to come by and see the studio, have some yummy snacks, and register to win some FREE stuff!!! Keep my family in your prayers. I'm giving this business to the Lord~hoping to reach others for Him. God is Good. All the time :)
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Monday, March 14, 2011
Iheartfaces-Sun Glare Photo entry =)
Love me some Sun I had to enter one of my favorite Sun Glare photos into the Iheartfaces photo contest....I can remember the day I took this one...I was so excited about the lighting that day....and got this absolutely amazing shot...The colors were perfect and the lighting was nothing more than from God! =)

Saturday, February 26, 2011
Letting Go
Started working on our house today...We aren't going to do a lot of work to the house itself. We wanted to paint the kitchen...and a few little things. I decided to do a scrapbook album of our journey. =) What better way to start...So here are some pictures of the beginning of the process. =) Will post pictures along the way. I am scheduling Spring sessions now. So if you are interested, be sure to email/facebook me...Looking forward to Spring! God Bless....
Friday, February 4, 2011
The Rest of the Story...
Some of you may have already read this post...I wrote it in my personal blog...But felt that it is the only way to start this blog...With MY story. God's story of how this all began...So here it is =)
In a previous post, I wrote about how I feel that God is leading me into a different career path...A path that is uncertain, not financially "stable" and something that I am going to have to do on my own-with God's guidance, of course. We serve an amazing God. What better way to start this story, than to praise my King. I have always prayed, I have always spent time in my Bible. But not like I should. Not expecting answers. Not really expecting anything. Just doing it out of habit, or simply "it's the right thing to do"....I am sure some of you know what I mean. But I intentionally made a change after my trip to Haiti. I was in a country where chaos was iminent, sickness was everywhere, and I felt helpless. He was there, and I talked to Him all the time. At night, when I couldn't sleep, I prayed. When I was in tears, thinking about God's will for my life, I prayed. When I needed to find peace, I found it in His word...It is sort of sad that it has always been there, but it took this trip for me to "figure it out" for a lack of better words....And now, I wake up in the mornings, and spend my time with Him first. Before doing anything else. He is doing some pretty awesome things in my life, and I NEED to learn to depend on Him in all things. Working on that one daily =) I say all that, so I can "tell my story"...Much prayer, and reading God's word have went into this desicion. I know it's what God wants me to do. So here goes.....
After I spoke with my friend, concerning my heart for photography, I truly started praying about this. I don't want to make photography what I THINK God wants, just because of my passion for it. So, I didn't take this subject lightly...One Sunday night after the service, a week after I gave my testimony about Haiti, a gentleman wanted to talk with James and I. I was standing with friends, making plans for our regular Sunday night coffee, and this gentleman was standing over the side, obviously wanting to speak with me. I immediately gave him my attention, and what he had to say, blew my mind. (Mind you, the previous week, I had asked God to throw the answer I was looking for in my lap...God if you want me to step out of this boat, and into the water of the unknown-Give me an answer. A billboard? Phone call? LOL...I was seriously praying specifically-If you want me to give up nursing, and jump 100% into photography. Tell me. I need to know) This gentleman, I have never spoken to before. I have seen him in church before, but didn't even know his name. He said, "Cassie, I know you don't know me, and you may think this is crazy. But the Lord has layed something on my heart-ever since I heard your testimony last week, about you feeling God leading you out of nursing...I can't get you out of my mind. This is just something for you to pray about. Talk with James about. Consider. But, I have this house, that is empty, and has been for 3 years. I have tried to sell it and haven't been able to, and I want to know if you would be interested in using it for your photography business?" Really. Is this my Billboard? But then the human side of me thinks, this is too good to be true. People aren't this way. There aren't random "empty houses" sitting around, I don't know this man, Why would he do something like this?, I thank him for his offer, tell him we will pray about it, and go on our way...
James and I spent the next two days talking about this, praying about it, truly feeling that God is in it. We had actually been looking at a few places to consider renting for a studio/viewing area...We have lots of ideas. James is wanting to make some pictures frames for me (that are absolutely beautiful, by the way) and we are hoping to incorporate those into our business....Ideas. Ideas. Ideas. I have papers full of stuff that I have thought of since I have began praying specifically. So we decide to call this genteman and talk "details". James talks with him for a good hour, he gives us the address, and the key, we plug the address into our GPS, and head that way. It's not the "location" I would choose, but I am learning everyday that God's plan is WAY better than mine. I just have to be sure to keep HIM in the center of EVERY desicion...We pull into the driveway. James and I look at each other. AMAZED. Why would it be anything else? I prayed for something. God answers. Why would I expect anything less? Not sure. But I immediately felt His prescence. This is it. Do it. I will be with you the entire way. Words can't express. I am even teary-eyed while I am typing this. One more thing, and I will wrap this mini novel up....We are looking inside the house, checking out "things" like paint, talking "business" so to speak, and I walk into the very back room of the house. The one that would need the most work. Wallpaper peeling, ect. This house is empty mind you. Nothing in it. Zilch. Zero. But in this very back room, there is one thing. Are you ready for this? Get ready, because it is amazing. The one thing that is in this house is......a tripod.....A camera tripod!!! I yelled at James to come look at the room I was standing it...and he said, "Is that what I think it is?"...We both took that as yet another confirmation that we are in God's will....
So, to make a very long story short. (if you ask me to tell you about it in person-I would love to =) We have looked at the house two times. Took my parents to look at it. We feel that's where God wants this Business...HIS business...Because I am giving it to Him. My entire heart has changed about photography. When I look through the lens of the camera, I want to see people as He sees them. I want to capture what He sees. He LOVES us. He died for us, and I just want to share that with as many people as I can. If photographing their families gives me a way to do that. I am on board! =)
So, We met with this gentleman this past week. He doesn't have a plan specifically. We don't either. It's in God's hands. But we have an agreement. I am excited. I am scared, because fear of the unknown is human. Bills still have to be paid, life must go on...But to know that I am in HIS will...after all of these years of fighting it...Peace...=) But I know that God is with us, my husband supports me, and believes in me. So we are going for it!
One thing I want to add, and then I am finished for now...It didn't hit us until sometime this past week....The gentleman that has made us this offer, had no idea that I was going to change the name of my business to His Eyes Photography. This man is legally blind. We serve an amazing God.
Amazing graceHow sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now I'm found
Was blind, but now I see
'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear
And grace my fears relieved
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed
My chains are gone
I've been set free
My God, my Savior has ransomed me
And like a flood His mercy rains
Unending love, Amazing grace
The Lord has promised good to me
His word my hope secures
He will my shield and portion be
As long as life endures
The earth shall soon dissolve like snow
The sun forbear to shine
But God, Who called me here below
Will be forever mine
Will be forever mine
You are forever mine
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now I'm found
Was blind, but now I see
'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear
And grace my fears relieved
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed
My chains are gone
I've been set free
My God, my Savior has ransomed me
And like a flood His mercy rains
Unending love, Amazing grace
The Lord has promised good to me
His word my hope secures
He will my shield and portion be
As long as life endures
The earth shall soon dissolve like snow
The sun forbear to shine
But God, Who called me here below
Will be forever mine
Will be forever mine
You are forever mine
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